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Memorial Tunnel Interactive CD-ROM & Comprehensive Test Report
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Technical Q & A's
Quick Time Support
  Technical Q & A's
Q. How do I remove the version of QuickTime that Memorial has installed?
  A. We have provided a "Windows" QuickTime uninstall program for the Memorial CD-ROM users. Please download the following executable onto your computer and execute the Uninstall.exe program. This executable will clean all traces of the QuickTime files that Memorial placed onto your computer. This version provides a cleaner solution than the uninstall program provided by apple. If you wish to replay the Memorial CD-ROM you will need to reinstall QuickTime on your machine.

Q. On some of the QT files, within Windows 95, I just get a blank window; the cursor moves across the bottom of the window and audio plays, but there's no image.

  A. This is a common display error problem within Windows 95. Some video and graphic display cards have incompatible drivers with the QuickTime extension. The first thing you should try is to select a different monitor display palette setting from within the Control Panels. To view and change display settings, choose Control Panel from the Settings item on the Start menu. Double-click the Display icon. Click the Settings tab, and a configuration window will appear. The color depth can be changed from the Color Palette dropdown list. Here, depending on how much V-RAM you have, you should be able to select 256, thousands, and millions of colors. On some display boards, due to incompatible drivers, only certain selections will work. If the problem exists with Windows 3.1 or NT, both have a similar setup from within the control panel. Try each setting.

Q. I have Windows NT and when I launch the Memorial.exe the first screen comes up dark and unrecognizable. Is it my machine or what?

  A. This problem will happen with some graphic display boards on NT. Try quitting the application by selecting the middle button on the screen (which is the quit button) or press control Q on the keyboard to quit the application. Once you have quit, then try relaunching the memorial.exe. Sometimes just a re-execution of the application will work. Otherwise try changing your color settings in your control panels(as described above).

Q. The print functionality doesn't work on my Memorial.exe. I have never printed anything before, so I don't know if the printer is working properly or not. Does the Memorial CD-ROM configure the users printer for them.


A. The Memorial.exe does not do any configuring of the printer drivers on your personal computers operating system. Memorial is like any other software application. It only is able to print if the operating system is set up correctly. Try opening up a text editor and printing out some text. If it doesn't work then you will need to configure your printer from within the operating system you are using.